Stained/Smelly/Mould/Strip Wash

Stained Nappies

Nappies that have staining caused by bodily functions generally will fade over time with help from the sun’s UV rays.  We do not recommend the use of bleach as it can damage the nappy's elastics and waterproofing. 

Sorbitol/Panadol Stains

Sometimes babies need to take pain relief like Panadol. Some pain relief medicines contain Sorbitol which can cause the nappies to stain. There is nothing you can do to prevent the staining from happening as Sorbitol is passed through urine. Again sunning the nappy is the best way to get rid of the stain but may take a while to fade.

Please note that some stains may not fade at all.


Smelly Nappies

With a good wash routine the nappies should not be smelly. There are occasions where our normal wash routine may not be enough.

For instance, baby has started to sleep through the night and has been in the nappy all night. That nappy may have a strong smell. I would suggest that you rinse out that nappy before putting it in the dry pail. Rinsing it will help break down the acidity caused by the urine. It’s always a good idea to do a pre-rinse cycle without detergent, whether by hand or in the machine, this will to help to clean out the nappies prior to your regular wash routine.
